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Preparedness saves lives,  

   Training improves preparedness,    

           an  Assessment  is an essential  link between both.      

Emergency & Disaster Preparedness   


Emergency and Disaster Preparedness necessitates a unified effort from all agencies involved in Disaster Response. ODRON distinguishes itself by offering exclusive services for collaboration and consultation with agencies in Emergencies and Disasters.

ODRON's consulting projects are dedicated to bolstering Disaster, Mass Casualty Incidents (MCI), and Crisis preparedness and management. Our approach involves identifying the specific needs for an agency's preparedness, considering the variable threats, and recruiting leaders from the agency to be part of the program and to lead future development. Our consulting services emphasize strategy and tactical and operational decision-making during MCI and disaster. The impact of our work is significant, leading to improved response and management of disasters, ultimately resulting in safer and more resilient communities.

We provide Need Assessments to a diverse range of agencies, such as Ministries of Interior (MOI), Municipalities, Firefighters (FF), Police Forces (PF), Home Land Security (HLS), Army Forces (AF), Ministry of Health (MOH), Red Cross, Emergency Medicine Services (EMS), Hospitals, and NGOs, focusing on operational and clinical levels. This diversity of clients underscores our adaptability and broad expertise in disaster preparedness consulting.

Our tailor-made programs are designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of all agencies involved in disaster response. We strongly emphasize collaboration, involving key personnel and policymakers from the agencies, to ensure that the programs meet their specific needs and effectively enhance their preparedness.

Our Team

In addition to academic experts and experienced field officers, ODRON's team also includes top clinicians who routinely participate in global relief operations and contribute to the development of medical/disaster doctrine policies.

ODRON leverages the diversity of its own staff, which includes experts from various countries and ethnic backgrounds, to highlight the importance of cultural diversity in disaster preparedness and management.

ODRON’s facilitators help expand capabilities and performance in Medicine, Disaster Relief, and Humanitarian Aid by transcending the boundaries of religion, skin color, culture, and gender.


ODRON cooperates and works with: 

  • Prepared International                              

  • National Disaster Center Papua New Guinea.

  • JICA, Japan.

  • Hachinohe Institute of Technology, Japan.

  • Dhulikhel Medical Center, Nepal.

  • The governor of Cebu City, Philippines. 

  • The Israeli MFA.

  • Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Exposition & Emergency Administrative,                               Office of the People's Government of Chengdu, China.

  • Guizhou Medical University, China.

  • Shanghai Administration for International Exchange of Professionals, China.

  • Beijing Administrative Office of the People's Government of 

  • Nanjing Administration for International Exchange of Professionals, China.

  • Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Exposition & Emergency Administrative Office of the People's Government of Chongqing, China.

  • Lilavati Medical Center, Mumbai, India.

  • Kompho Anotchi Medical Center, Kumasi, Ghana.

  • Red Crescent Medical Center, Amman, Jordan.

  • Duzce Hospital, Duzce, Turkey.

  • Mulago Medical Center, Kampala, Uganda.

  • Black Lion Medical Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

  • South Sudan Presidential Office.

  • WHO.

  • Ben Gurion University.

  • SHOONRA.                                                

  • SID.

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