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 Training Policy Makers and Key Players in Emergency Management

Training leaders in Emergency Management is imperative to promote the ability to act in Mass Events and Disasters and to create a core of trainers in the area of emergency.

Our international experience in managing all facets of Emergency and Disaster situations (both natural and man-made) on the International, national, local, and corporate levels is the foundation of the training programs that we offer for key players in emergencies.

We offer in-depth, tailor-made workshops of the highest level, involving instructors and trainers who are each at the top of their fields internationally.

  • The programs are designed to enhance knowledge and develop new points of view for high-level managers directly involved with Emergency Preparedness and Management and decision-makers with operational jurisdiction.

  • The program features methodologies used in the field by Emergency managers and focuses on rehearsing response principles, as well as tactical, strategic, and operational-level decision-making in emergencies. 

  • The workshops include lectures, simulations, and tabletop drills that provide the most efficient toolbox for handling Just in Time (JIT) emergencies, i.e., imminent threats, and Just in Case (JIC) emergencies, i.e., possible threats.                                  

Most importantly, our programs promote coordination and cooperation among the organizations involved with emergency preparedness and management. This strengthens essential bonds among all organizations engaged in emergency management and establishes efficiency and collaboration during a real-world mass event and disaster. 

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