Excellence in Emergency Medicine Preparedness & Management
Preparedness for Mass Casualty Incidents
Mass Casualty Incidents (MCI) are defined as events in which the number of casualties and the level of severity presented by these casualties exceeds the resources of a given medical institution.
An MCI can be caused by natural or manmade disasters; however, no matter what the cause, without an appropriate preparedness plan, a hospital will lose its ability to provide appropriate medical care to its patients. As such, the very occurrence of an MCI is a significant threat to any working medical system.
To face such challenging situations, a detailed, assessment-based preparedness plan must be in place prior to an MCI as part of a good trauma system. Such a system's foundations must have the hospital’s everyday work and its Emergency Medical Services (EMS) facilities working in absolute synergy to function during an MCI or disaster.
ODRON is a world leader in the field of Preparedness and training, with a particular focus on Hospital Emergency Preparedness plans.
Our founding director, Odeda Benin Goren, R.N. C.E.N., has been at the forefront of emergency preparedness, management, and training for over 30 years and has held leading positions in the Emergency Department (ED) of Israel’s foremost medical center. As head of the ED of the Tel-Aviv Medical Center, Odeda Benin Goren has overseen the successful functioning of the ED during some of the most significant MCIs that took place in Israel in recent years.